... on to ways to Frost your Comic/Superhero party (my 34 year old fiance' would SO love this party! lol)
WOW! Is all I can say! Comics on the wall, bright colors, comic cut-outs, comic "words" as placemats - so perfect! Source
Tell me this isn't THE best superhero backdrop!?!? Take a large canvas (pretty cheap at the hardware store) or a sheet and go to town! Source
Think of unique ways to use comics in your space - taking inexpensive letters from the craft store and adhere comics - GENIUS! Source
On the candy table, make up "comic names" for each thing - like "Super Strength Skittles" or "Invisibility Gumballs" (so cute!) Source
Comics can be used as cones for snacks! Super smart! Source
(from last) Giveaway Sponsor Highlight!
Sandy's Baking Memories offers delicious handmade and decorated cookies to match any theme or event! Sandy offers tons of cookies to chose from or ask her to create something unique just for you! Her attention to detail and cute packaging make the perfect gift!