If you love all the ideas you find here, show some love back and add Frost Me's button to your blog! It's super simple! (if you know how to add a button - the button is over to the right of this post)
Thank you all for all the support and luv you have shown!
Step 1: Copy the writing in the box over to the right under "Grab my button" (highlight and hit "ctrl" and "c" on your keyboard at the same time)
Step 2: Go to http://www.blogger.com/home (where you post a new blog post in blogger) and click on the tab "layout"
Step 3: Click "add a gadget" and click the cross in the blue square next to "HTML/JavaScript "
Step 4: This will open up a pop up with a "title" and a "content" box - Add a title (be nice! lol) and paste the line you copied above (hit "ctrl" and "p" keys on your keyboard at the same time)