Tuesday, January 29

Superbowl party ideas & inspiration

We are preparing for a "tailgate" party for work on Thursday - our group is chipping in for pizza, but I thought bringing in McD's burgers instead (same price per serving) would be better... they thought I was a bit crazy. Doesn't burgers say football more than pizza? oh well, thought I would try something different!

If you are planning a football get-together, maybe these ideas will inspire you! Don't forget about older, but still fresh!, Frosting for a football party here (link)

Set up your tables football field style! Use kraft paper (you can find at hardware store in large rolls), white painters tape and number stickers to pull off this easy look! Source: Better Homes and Gardens

Serve up individual snacks in small containers that are easy to grab and snack! Source (buy small containers here - link, Fry holder here - link)

Take ordinary cans and turn them into football servers using paint or craft paper! Source

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