Wednesday, January 2

Winter party ideas - Snowmen!

If you live around here, it definitely feels like winter! We haven't had any real snow yet, but there's still plenty of the season left! Now that the major holidays are over, there are still plenty of winter themes to incorporate into your events... a Snowman theme!  Don't forget about older, but still fresh!, Frosting for a snowman theme here (link)

Finally, the most amazing use for all those odd ball socks! These sock snowmen would be so much fun to make and/or decorate as an activity in a snow themed party! Source and tutorial

How adorable are these chocolate covered oreos?! You just cover oreos in chocolate in an inexpensive mold (like this one - link) then decorate! so cute! Source

Make some melted snowman s'mores! Use white chocolate to create the melted part of this s'mores snow man - a little fruit roll-up scarf and a few dabs of chocolate for eyes, buttons and nose. found from link

As a silly favor, give you guests "snowman poop"! Source and tutorial

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