Even though I am angry with you snowflake, I still love you ;o)
Hopefully you have seen this beautiful snowy tabletop! I can't decide if I love the snowflakes, or icicle edging better! Source
Simple details like a paper punched snowflake can be so beautiful! wanna go real crafty? Print out a snowflake, lay wax paper over it and trace with melted chocolate, let harden and get the same effect, but edible! Source
Simple, simple! Stamping on tissue paper wrapping candles for a decorative touch! You can also stamp your napkins and plates for that extra "Frosting" Source and tutorial
Continuing the stamping theme, look how adorable brown bags look with a simple white snowflake stamp! Source
Do this not look like a million dollars?!? These are from the cookie cutters that do the extra "holes" - if you don't do the extra decorations, at least fill the "holes" in with crushed clear candies (like jolly ranchers before baking and you'll get that stained glass look! Source