I love book club parties or just a book themed party! D and I read a lot and we are even taking a small bedroom downstairs and turning it into a library! WOOT! Also, here is some older, but still fresh!, Frosting for a book theme (here).
I love this idea! Blown up pages of a book on the wall! If you don't have access to a photocopier... why not make a collage of pages on a piece of cardboard! Source
Rolled up pages pinned to form a wreath would be a great themed welcome for your guests. Source
Fanned pages placed under dinner plates can add that little touch of whimsy to your dinner! Use a photocopied page and a button to make a fantastic wrap around napkins. Source
Use pages to to trim out cake plates, line trays or a little strip around a cup, etc. Source
A great dessert item are these little "books". Source and tutorial