On to party dreaming! ...One of the most common, yet most appropriate themes for little girls is princess! You can make it as posh or as cartoon-like as you would like! Don't forget about older, but still fresh!, Frosting for a Princess party - HERE
How over-the-top is this set-up?! Who wouldn't love that super full tulle skirt!!! Love the different shades of pink, too! Source
Use items you might already have! A fancy princess dress can become a eye-catching centerpiece! Use fancy frames to put coordinating party quotes or pictures. Source
Find ways to add a touch of bling throughout your event! Simple, inexpensive jewel trim can be added to items like milk bottles to ensure your princesses have something fancy to sip from! Source
Even a store bought cake can look fantastic sitting on a bed of tulle! Simple way to dress up even the simplest cake! Source