Good Fortune Baby Shower
Wanted very bright citrus palate so went with lime green and bold orange...Lots of Asian touches like the wooden screens, fan, bamboo (in all forms) and Buddha...
Buddha even got a fortune cookie topped cupcake on a bamboo stand...
FOOD: Lots of sushi (including lots of non-fish sushi for mom-to-be) and other Asian food like fried rice, seaweed salad, etc was served
Displays were done stacking different bamboo pieces and using mini appetizer plates.
Seaweed salad with a dollop of spicy Asian mayo were served on mini appetizer spoons with the Good Fortune Coins tied on.
Mini appetizer bowls of fried rice were Frosted with a dab of wasabi and a shrimp. The bowls were Frosted with a Good Fortune Coin attached with black cording.
Even dessert had to coordinate! Cantaloupe and kiwi stacks held together with a bamboo knot skewer (found here)
Guests were served a chocolate cupcake on mini appetizer plates topped with a dipped fortune cookie and served with a pair of Pocky sticks as "chopsticks"
If they didn't want dessert, they could take it home... plain white take out boxes stamped with the Coin, filled with a dipped fortune cookie and made "chopstick" holders out of craft paper and inserted Pocky dipped sticks!
Thanks for letting me share! hugs!