Boy themes can be hard to come by... I have seen so many cute Fireman/Firetruck parties popping up and I think it would be such a great them. What little boy doesn't dream at least once of being a fireman?!
This vintage inspired setup is so dang darling! I am a sucker for vintage and chalkboards, though! A large board painted with chalkboard paint is such a fun way to create a large, inexpensive backdrop for any party! Source
How clever is this idea?! Flames on the railing and on the ground! If the party is inside, you can add them to the counter's edge and door corners! Source
Before the cold weather sets in... have a water balloon fight! Just add "FIRE" cutout of white contact paper to a red bucket! Source
Use a printed image of a flame, cover with wax paper and pipe melted, colored chocolate on, tracing and letting it bleed along the way. Let it dry and you have perfect flame toppers! Source