Of course... BOTH of our cameras were dead this morning - so all I have to share is a bad phone picture!
Winter Night
Gingerbread cupcake, eggnog filling, brown sugar frosting
Gingerbread cupcake & brown sugar frosting (link)
Eggnog filling (from Southern Living Mag)
1 3/4 cups heavy cream
1/3 cup sugar
1/4 cup flour
2 large eggs
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 bourbon (optional - I didn't use)
1 tbsp vanilla
Whisk together 1st five ingredients in a heavy saucepan. Cook over med-low heat whisking constantly - 10 to 12 min or until thick like cooled pudding. Remove from heat - stir in bourbon & vanilla. Cool to room temp, then cover with plastic - laying directly on it to prevent film and refrigerate 6-24 hrs.
Morning Joe
Chocolate cupcake, coffee filling, light whipped topping
Chocolate cupcake (link)
Coffee filling (link)
Cloud frosting (link) NOTE: I made last night - as you can see, kind of a little flat & whimpy after sitting all night