Well, I thought the turn of the new year would bring more peace and focus, but so far, not so much! I vowed to get back to blogging several times a week, but as you can see, not so much! It really is a habit, like anything else. Once you fall out of it, it's hard to get back on! My little guy is 8M old today! you would think I would have it together by now ;o)
If you are stashing Valentine's ideas... here are a few!
I think this is my favorite out of the bunch! Lemon heads in a jar marked "Pucker up Valentine"! Source
Jar full of Hershey kisses marked "Kisses for you"! Source
Use Valentine colored candy corn with labels "It may be corny but I love you" ;o) Source
...add Red Hots instead and a label "You're so hot!" Source