Wednesday, January 25

Valentine ideas/inspiration: All hearts!

It's been a wild week so far! how about you guys! I need a personal assistant (don't we all?!) I have barely thought about Valentine's Day - and it's my first married one, I better step up!

Here's some more ideas for your day

Have you seen these yet? Super clever! Lollipop sticks turn these plain cupcakes into Valentine specials! (even if you make them from a box mix ;o)  Source and tutorial

Use edible markers (buy here) to draw hearts on sugar cubes! (to make sugar cubes: 1 cup of sugar to 1 tablespoon of water) then form into square cookie cutter or molds.  Source unknown :o(

Use heart silicone molds (you can usually find at dollar store this time of year) to make colored ice - freeze fruit juices or just add food coloring.  Source unknown :o(

Super cute Valentine's gift - yarn hearts! You could even make them into a toss game.  Source and tutorial

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